You Wouldn’t Like it When I’m Angry

Friday was a huge waste of time.  My sister took off work for my surgery. We met at the hospital and waited for a while and did more paperwork.  I get called back to do the first part and I am met by a radiologist that informed me that I wasn’t having the guide placement nor the removal. I looked at him like he was crazy. I asked him why. His explanation was not a good one. Basically what it boiled down to was a pissing contest between radiology departments at two different hospitals. The information he rattled off was not factual. Somebody really screwed up. I was argumentative. When he told me how I should feel about his decision I flipped out. It got ugly.


Now I am back at square one. I will have to regroup and figure out a new plan. I won’t be back there any time soon. I usually feel bad about going off on people. I gave zero cares about it that day. The more those two talked in their condescending tones the angrier I got. I will never remember their names or faces. I’m sure they won’t soon forget me after my meltdown. Sometimes you have to make noise and stand up for yourself. I don’t go away quietly. I raise hell and I will break things if I feel the need to. Thank you all for your concern.

To Be Continued……


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