Scattering Feelings on the Highway


     The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
      But I have promises to keep,
      And miles to go before I sleep,
      And miles to go before I sleep.
-Robert Frost
I find myself alone with my thoughts most every night. It gets loud inside my head.

They are the loudest while I’m driving in my car without another soul in sight. I alone with my thoughts on a lonely highway with no choice but to face the feelings. They pour out of my heart like the very blood that keeps me alive. I let them fall where the will. Until every thought, feeling, and memory are lying somewhere on a deserted road. I can breathe for now.

But those feelings won’t stay gone. I remember where I left them on the highway. I’ve scattered feelings from Virginia to Tennessee and The Carolinas. All over Hell and half of Georgia. West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. Everywhere I’ve been I’ve scattered my pain all over highways, bridges, toll roads, backroads and dirt roads. I’ve slung gravel and tears. I’ve traveled a lot of miles.

It’s not just the bad memories or hurt feelings. There were happy ones too. I left them because it hurt to remember when times were good. So off I go to free myself of more memories and hurt. Maybe one day I won’t need to let my worries fly out the windows in the middle of the night.

For now I’m scattering feelings all over some dark and lonely highway.

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